
3min read
Beating the bite & soothing the sting
August 12, 2021

Beating the bite & soothing the sting

Knowing how to manage a sting is an important part of being a dog owner. Bee’s will often sting the once and leave a stinger behind (not always), wasps usually sting multiple times. Your dog may become lame, lick the affected area, whine, and develop hives which are small itchy bumps on the skin.

5min read
Dogs – What you need to know
August 12, 2021

Dogs – What you need to know

So, you are ready to find your perfect companion, but what do you need to know before you bring your four-legged friend home?

2min read
Dogs – Are you ready?
August 12, 2021

Dogs – Are you ready?

Dogs, in particular puppies are adorable, and you wouldn’t be looking at this page unless you really like dogs. Having a dog can be a complete joy, but it can take up a lot of your time and space and so you really need to think long and hard before falling for those cute puppy dog eyes.

1min read
How to bandage a dog (video)
August 12, 2021

How to bandage a dog (video)

Bandages can be a helpful tool if applied correctly

1min read
The tick list! How to manage these parasites
August 12, 2021

The tick list! How to manage these parasites

It is important as pet owners to be prepared for the times when ticks are most active, which is during warmer months typically April to September. But these small blood sucking creatures can strike all year round so regular checks of your dog are important, especially if you are walking in wooded areas or where there is long grass, a tick’s favourite place to hang out!